Our comittment to cleanliness

Hygiene and cleanliness are at the forefront of our priorities and in the face of this pandemic we are doing all we can to ensure a high level of protection and comfort to our guests and staff.

All guests are informed about hygiene regulations upon check-in.

  • Information boards have been placed on each floor, in public areas,
  • All rooms and public areas are regularly cleaned and disinfected according to tested hygiene regulations.
  • The techniques for cleaning the guest rooms have been further intensified and include a complete deep clean after each stay.
  • Special attention is paid to areas with high points of contact such as key, , buttons, door handles, locks and bolts, light switches, desk surfaces, telephones, TV remote controls and handles of bathroom fittings.
  • We ask all guests and staff to avoid direct contact and maintain a safe 1-meter distance especially at the reception and other hotel areas.
  • The spaces between seats and tables have been enlarged to ensure the distance required.
  • Dishes, cutlery and glasses are washed and disinfected in the dishwasher.
  • Guests with symptoms of Covid-19 are to contact our Reception Desk immediately, who will then take the necessary Health & Safety actions.
  • We ensure all our providers (parking, limo service, luxury tours) are strictly following the Health & Safety measures.